This is Awake, Undead, a Musings Newsletter.

I am G - poet, friend, shapeshifter, stranger. Here, I am carving out some kind of cave on the internet for me to write and write and not worry about writing. This is the experimentation space in it’s purest form, playing with my hands and making a mess.

Currently, I am exploring Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way and basing my series “Nightmares & Morning Pages” on that daily practice. These are best if read chronologically, but you do you.

I dedicate a lot of time to Portland Poets’ Society here in Maine and running the Workshop w/ my friend Benjamine - my podcast is dedicated to archiving each session, purely simply poetry.

I have an intermittent essay series called “Incomplete Essays” where I try and synthesize what life is telling me, separate from the pressures of authority and finality.

I share a mess of my current reads and open tabs monthly for paid subscribers. I'm always looking for recommendations and unnecessarily deep conversations about what we engage in.

The conversation is always open, so come on in.

Welcome Photo: Me, captured by my dear friend Foxspit in Paris

Logo Photo: the love of my life, Robert Smithson’s Spiral Jetty.

Subscribe to Awake, Undead

LIVING IS VISITING / Words when they're raw, poetry when it can't be helped Hi, I'm G.


I'm G: (they/them) Poet, painter, shapeshifter, meaning maker, mover, shaker, spiral-lover, friend everlasting / In the church of experience, I am a worshipper. In the theater of life, I am a performer.